Peony Market

Gifts for home and those you cherish

Begin with Joy

sharon moye

Here we are on December 18th! Let’s begin these days before Christmas seeking Jesus with exceedingly great joy like the Wise Men. More than 2,000 years ago the Wise Men of the east came to Jerusalem and asked Herod, “Where is the one who has been born of the Jews?” They had seen his star and came to worship him. However, King Herod was very troubled and questioned the scholars of the law to find out where the Christ was to be born. He discovered from his inquiry that there would be a ruler to shepherd Israel. He then told the Wise Men to go to Bethlehem and search for the child, so he too could “worship” him. However, Herod had other devious plans to kill baby Jesus.

The Wise Men followed the Star of the east and found baby Jesus, presenting Him their treasures of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They gave their very best to their King! They were then warned by dream not to go back to Herod and so returned home by an alternate route. Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph were protected by the Wise Men receiving a dream from God as well as Joseph being warned in a dream to leave and go to Egypt after the birth of Jesus. The Wise Men followed the star to see their King and went with exceedingly great joy! (Matthew 2:10).

This story is such a beautiful image of what our lives should look like: filling ourselves with His love in order to bear gifts to others. This is the heart and soul of Peony Market. In the spirit of bearing gifts in order to bless others, we will be sharing a gift a day leading up to Christmas to give to those we cherish. Begin today by setting your eyes on the star, seeking the King and offering Him your best gift: love and adoration.

Merry Christmas!