Peony Market

Gifts for home and those you cherish

Picasso Artists

sharon moye

Peony Market held a gathering last week called “Paint and Sip.”  Each guest received a 16x 20 Peony canvas designed by Picasso Petals.  There were various peonies to choose between. The paintings are individually numbered and accompanied with a palette of soft hues. The canvas is a soft material ready to be made into a masterpiece. Just as each canvas will be painted uniquely by my guests; each of our days is painting our own masterpiece. 


The night of our Paint and Sip was one of the days that painted a colorful picture.  The stories, fellowship, sparkling water, wine and simple treats all designed a canvas of rich hues.  The opportunity presents itself every day to intentionally create great atmosphere.  Our Designer, God who created us for good works designed us perfectly to use our gifts daily.  We have been painting our life canvas since we were born.  It began blank and we have added color to it day by day.


As we painted by number our peony canvas, the painting began to come into focus. We could begin to see the painting come alive.  Isn’t that true of our lives as well?  God has numbered our days, and each day truly is a gift to display God’s glory with colorful hues of love.  We don’t know what number it is each day, but we can align our heart with God and go for it!   Our lives will become more and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him. Our painting of peonies will also become more and more beautiful as we add the hues of color to complete the painting. 


Look at ourselves as artists designed by the Master artist creating a life with Him that makes a gorgeous canvas.  Yes, we make mistakes, but paint can be forgiving just like our God.   So, begin with a fresh cup of water, a paintbrush, a palette of beautiful hues ready to paint the world with love, lending a caring ear and serving those God puts in your path.  


Have a colorful day!
