Peony Market

Gifts for home and those you cherish

Treasures in Heaven

sharon moye

Walking into 2020 is amazing! Can we really believe we started a new decade? This year holds so many possibilities for us.  How can we make it truly the best year ever within our control?


There are two things which are most important in life; they are having a relationship with God and having relationships with others!  These two things will last for eternity.

God’s Word and those that follow Him.  

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.”       Isaiah 40:8

“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”       Matthew 25:46


If we love God, we are called to share His love daily.  My first journal post on our site was titled “Begin.”  I love the verb “be” because it is active. It has three conjugations in the simple present; am, are and is. Which means there is always a new start for us to “Begin” a new thing.  

First, and most importantly for all of us is to love God. Our relationship with God begins with His word and applying what He speaks into our lives from reading the scriptures each day.  Prayer, applying His scripture to our lives, shapes our future.  So, as Peony Market begins 2020, we must begin with prayer before heading to Market soon.  Marilyn, my new business partner,  (who I will share more about in just a moment) and I will begin with prayer.  We want to allow God to flow through our hearts and minds to lead us to gifts and causes that will make a difference in people’s lives.  We would be honored if you remember us in prayer as we plan and curate the products and causes for 2020.  It takes a lot of prayer and planning to make a gathering special.  Loving God in our personal lives is where it all begins; and then, our love grows. Out of the love we have for God we then desire to honor Him in all of our lives including our businesses and relationships. 

God’s Truth last forever…

God’s Truth last forever…

Second, are God’s people who will last forever.  God has called us to love our neighbors. The greatest gift we can give others is our love. Relationships have been key for Peony Market.  We have had numerous volunteers over the past two years.  Marilyn, a dear friend, has been there since the beginning.  Her involvement began with a conversation between me, my husband and Marilyn on my back patio.  She heard our heart with all that was going on in our personal and business lives and stepped in and said “I want to help with accounting for Peony Market!”  Now, officially a partner, Marilyn has kept the books beautifully and has kept me accountable.  She keeps my right brain in check!  Along with Marilyn, a big thanks  goes to my friend Lynne who has helped me countless hours staging, cooking and shopping. I could not have hosted the events without her! Also my friend Melissa has been such an important volunteer, handling check out duties at all the events!  Also my friend Tracy took me to mart, giving me a tutorial of Americas Mart. My friends Caryn and Tracy helped me stage my first event. Caryn also helped bring beauty by creating art. Also my friend Laurie made jewelry as well for my events. JoBeth, who I met at my vow renewal, designed all our florals at Serenbe for our sweet ceremony.  She and I connected over Isaiah 61 and her call to do florals and mine to create gatherings.  She volunteered her time to create an atmosphere of beauty at my first event. 

Relationships in Christ last forever…

Relationships in Christ last forever…

Just a few of the captured moments over the past two years.. grateful!

Cissy, Laurel and her baby Drew are church friends and Laurel is also my backyard neighbor!

Cissy, Laurel and her baby Drew are church friends and Laurel is also my backyard neighbor!

Other dear friends, Loraine, Kathy, and my daughter Bekah, volunteered their time to work events. Lily and my daughter Rachel photographically captured the products and the ladies at the events. They did a beautiful job! My weekly Bible study friends supported me from the beginning so well with prayers and many coming to the gatherings. 

Loraine, a dear friend for so many years. We began our friendship raising our children together. She loves to cook and she came and we made scones for the first time from our Just Peachy cookbook! They were so good!

Loraine, a dear friend for so many years. We began our friendship raising our children together. She loves to cook and she came and we made scones for the first time from our Just Peachy cookbook! They were so good!

Marilyn, on my left and Lynne on my right. These two, amazing teamwork.. I am so grateful for their devoted time, love and friendship!

Marilyn, on my left and Lynne on my right. These two, amazing teamwork.. I am so grateful for their devoted time, love and friendship!

My sweet Sarah, my mentee who I adore!!

My sweet Sarah, my mentee who I adore!!

Melissa, Mike’s admin and the sweetest friend to me. She helps with checking out at the gatherings.

Melissa, Mike’s admin and the sweetest friend to me. She helps with checking out at the gatherings.

Teresa, a player’s wife that Mike represented. She was God’s gift for us to see and fellowship with that day!

Teresa, a player’s wife that Mike represented. She was God’s gift for us to see and fellowship with that day!

My friend Heidi to my right and her friend Michelle. Heidi and I are Pure Barre buddies..

My friend Heidi to my right and her friend Michelle. Heidi and I are Pure Barre buddies..

Kathy, Mike’s former employee at Moye Sports and my forever friend! She loves to bake and she baked a beautiful pie using one of our delicious cookbooks!

Kathy, Mike’s former employee at Moye Sports and my forever friend! She loves to bake and she baked a beautiful pie using one of our delicious cookbooks!

Robin, my good friend and partner in crime! We love to laugh, pray and travel!!

Robin, my good friend and partner in crime! We love to laugh, pray and travel!!

Oh my sweet Bible study friends who I adore and treasure more and more.. their prayers, friendship and community are life-giving and I love each one!

Oh my sweet Bible study friends who I adore and treasure more and more.. their prayers, friendship and community are life-giving and I love each one!

True friendship that loves with a sincere love…

True friendship that loves with a sincere love…

The foundation of Peony Market began with my first blog, who my friend Lisa helped set up. Also, I am very thankful for Chip Ingram’s Prime Movers team Kitty, Sally and Dana, and Plywood Atlanta’s retreat team- Jeff, Bethany and others for helping me define my dream.  I am also thankful for my friend Brooke, the owner of Marketwake, who sat with me numerous times dreaming and defining Peony Market.  She and her team designed this beautiful website that represents Peony Market so well. Another cool step in the process of developing Peony Market began on my sofa with Kim and Bob (founders of Uncaged) many years ago, as I spoke with them about my dream of Isaiah 61 and a gathering I now call Peony Market.  Now, years later.. Peony Market is collaborating with Uncaged, a ministry rescuing and restoring girls in sex trafficking.  At the conclusion of this fall’s events Peony Market was able to donate over $500 to Uncaged. Interestingly, Uncaged’s scripture verse is Isaiah 61 as well!  Of course we know there are no coincidences with God. These words do not articulate or convey how much all these friends and causes mean to me.  Just a little summary of how God’s word and relationships truly work hand in hand..

Kim and I at the launch for Uncaged

Kim and I at the launch for Uncaged

Just writing these words excites me even more to see God’s faithfulness, even when I haven’t been faithful to see his hand at work in my life.. So let’s go 2020 and be faithful to God who loves us so much and let’s nourish the relationships God has so graciously put in our lives!

Here’s to 2020 beginning with gratitude! I am so very thankful for my handsome husband who supports me 100% and allows our home to be transformed for gatherings!


Walk in Faith,
